Jonathan Lear is the John U. Nef Distinguished Service Professor at the Committee on Social Thought and in the Department of Philosophy. His work focuses on the philosophical understanding of the human psyche—and the ethical implications that flow from us being the kind of creatures we are. He trained in Philosophy at Cambridge University and The Rockefeller University where he received his PhD in 1978. He works primarily on philosophical conceptions of the human psyche from Socrates to the present. He also trained as a psychoanalyst at the Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis. His books include: Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation (2006); Aristotle and Logical Theory (1980); Aristotle: The Desire to Understand (1988); Love and Its Place in Nature: A Philosophical Interpretation of Freudian Psychoanalysis (1990); Open Minded: Working out the Logic of the Soul (1998); Happiness, Death and the Remainder of Life (2000); Therapeutic Action: An Earnest Plea for Irony (2003); Freud (2005); and A Case for Irony (2011). His most recent books are Wisdom Won From Illness: Essays in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (Harvard University Press, 2017) and The Idea of a Philosophical Anthropology: The Spinoza Lectures (Assen: Van Gorcum, 2017). He is a recipient of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award. In 2014, he was appointed the Roman Family Director of the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society and continues in that role currently. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (Photo: Erielle Bakkum)
Selected Publications
Out of unbearable loss, a vision of radical hope
Transience and hope: A return to Freud in a time of pandemic*
Wisdom Won From Illness: Essays in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2017)
Freud, 2nd ed. (New York and London: Routledge, 2015)--one of the top-ten books on psychoanalysis in The Guardian
Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009); rev. by Sebastian Junger in Time Magazine (July 12, 2010)
A Case for Irony (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011)
Therapeutic Action: An Earnest Plea for Irony (New York: Other Press, 2003)
"Inside and Outside the Republic," Phronesis 37, no. 2 (January, 1992)
“Katharsis,” in Phronesis, 1988; reprinted in Aristotle’s Poetics, ed. Amelie Rorty (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992)
Aristotle: The Desire to Understand (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988)
Aristotle and Logical Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980)
Recent Courses
PHIL 22212/51413 Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis
This seminar will introduce some of the central concepts of psychoanalysis: Mourning and Melancholia, Repetition and Remembering, Transference, Neurosis, the Unconscious, Identification, Psychodynamic, Eros, Envy, Gratitude, Splitting, Death. The central theme will be how these concepts shed light on human flourishing and the characteristic ways we fail to flourish. Readings from Plato, Aristotle, Freud, Loewald, Lacan, Melanie Klein, Betty Joseph, Hanna Segal and others.
Consent required.
PHIL 27523/37523 Reading Kierkegaard
This will be a discussion-centered seminar that facilitates close readings two texts: Philosophical Fragments and Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Each of these texts is officially by the pseudonymous author Johannes Climacus. But the author of that author is Soren Kierkegaard. Topics to be considered will include: What is subjectivity? What is objectivity? What is irony? What is humor? What is the difference between the ethical and the religious? What is it to become and be a human being? We shall also consider Kierkegaard’s form of writing and manner of persuasion. In particular, why does he think he needs a pseudonymous author? (IV)
This course is intended for undergraduate majors in Philosophy and Fundamentals and graduate students in Social Thought and Philosophy. Permission of instructor required.
PHIL 27523/37523 Reading Kierkegaard
This will be a discussion-centered seminar that facilitates close readings two texts: Philosophical Fragments and Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Each of these texts is officially by the pseudonymous author Johannes Climacus. But the author of that author is Soren Kierkegaard. Topics to be considered will include: What is subjectivity? What is objectivity? What is irony? What is humor? What is the difference between the ethical and the religious? What is it to become and be a human being? We shall also consider Kierkegaard’s form of writing and manner of persuasion. In particular, why does he think he needs a pseudonymous author? (IV)
This course is intended for undergraduate majors in Philosophy and Fundamentals and graduate students in Social Thought and Philosophy. Permission of instructor required.
PHIL 51002 Neo-Aristotelian Practical Philosophy
Neo-Aristotelianism marks philosophical views indebted to Aristotle. In practical philosophy—ethics, political philosophy, accounts of practical reason, and so on—these views are distantly indebted to Aristotle’s views in metaphysics. The 4 crucial aspects of Aristotle’s metaphysics, for our purposes are:
I. His understanding of substances
II. His understanding of causality
III. His understanding of form and matter, and, relatedly,
IV. His understanding of powers/ potentialities, and actuality
Substances are unified, individual objects of a specific kind that can have accidental features like color and location in addition to natures or essences. The paradigmatic instances of substances for Aristotle are individual living things—plants, animals, and human beings being three examples. These things—organisms—come in specific kinds—the geranium, for example, or the honey badger. The kinds are the substantial forms of the living things that are instances of those kinds. Organisms are composite things—their matter is informed. And the matter in question only counts as matter relative to the form it can take. Organisms have characteristic powers—sight, for instance, or nutrition, or discursive reason—and these powers are actualized when exercised.
Aristotle identifies the substantial forms of living things as different kinds of souls—living things are animate things. The ‘anima’ in ‘animate’ holds the word for soul—or source of life—for Aristotle. And Aristotle’s principal teaching on the substantial forms of living things is, accordingly, the book that goes by the title De Anima—of the soul. We will begin by reading passages from this work alongside mainstream Anglophone practical philosophy.
We will focus on rational animals—human beings—in focusing our attention on what makes a human being an exemplary one of its kind—virtue—and what makes for a sound human community. In this work, we will pay special attention to Aristotle’s writings on ethics and politics, again read alongside philosophical work that is openly indebted to Aristotle. (I)
Permission of Instructors.
PHIL 50113 The Concept of World and Its Vulnerability
We will be interested in the special and problematic notion of an attitude toward the world as a whole, and in some questions that arise in contexts where people face what they experience as the end of their world or its vulnerability to destruction. Readings will include texts from Freud, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein, as well as more contemporary readings from Cora Diamond, Jonathan Lear, Brian O’Shaughnessy, and others.
Permission of instructor required for grad students not in Philosophy or Social Thought.
PHIL 27522/37522 Aristotle's Ethics
The seminar will combine a careful reading of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics with philosophical considerations of fundamental problems involved in being human discussed in the text: happiness, virtue, courage, friendship, decision, political and contemplative life. (III)
Consent required for graduates and undergraduates.
PHIL 51413 Essential Concepts of Psychoanalysis
This seminar will introduce some of the central concepts of psychoanalysis: Mourning and Melancholia, Repetition and Remembering, Transference, Neurosis, the Unconscious, Identification, Psychodynamic, Eros, Envy, Gratitude, Splitting, Death. The central theme will be how these concepts shed light on human flourishing and the characteristic ways we fail to flourish. Readings from Plato, Aristotle, Freud, Loewald, Lacan, Melanie Klein, Betty Joseph, Hanna Segal and others.
Consent required.
PHIL 55701 The Ethics and Poetics of Mimesis
In this seminar we will examine the concept of mimesis as a way of thinking about poetry and the arts and also as a way of thinking about human life more generally. Our focus will be Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s Poetics, though we will consider relevant passages from other dialogues and treatises. What should we make of the fact that Socrates figures both the unjust person and the philosopher-ruler as a mimetic artist? In what way is his critique of mimesis ontological, psychological, and political? Are there differing explanations of the influence of mimetic speech, sound, and sights? Why do Plato and Aristotle believe that poetic mimesis is a necessary element of moral education? How does Aristotle’s different, more dynamic account of poetic mimesis reflect a different understanding of the nature poetry and its place in human life? If time permits, we will briefly consider Epictetus’s idea that we should think of ourselves as actors playing a role in the cosmic drama. (IV)
Preference will be given to PhD students. MA students require permission of the instructor.
For full list of Jonathan Lear's courses back to the 2012-13 academic year, see our searchable course database.