Grants for Philosophers

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The Dunn Summer Research Grant: A small number of grants of about $1,000 each will be awarded annually to support summer research on a philosophical topic (such as preparation for writing a BA essay or work on a writing sample for applications to graduate programs). Applications will be sent to current students each spring.

Philip Arthur Epstein Prize for Philosophy and Entrepreneurship: The Epstein Prize will support a student majoring in philosophy and looking to explore possible ways to apply their academic background to professional paths other than academia. Applicants will need to demonstrate their interest in developing and/or enhancing professional skills in fields or industries outside academia.

Seidel Scholars Grants: The Seidel Scholars Grant gives students the opportunity to explore a career-related individual project with the hope of inspiring students to translate their academic interests into careers outside of an academic setting.

Summer Research and Travel Awards Available to Students of Ancient Philosophy: Students who have a special interest in Ancient Philosophy are eligible for any one of three summer research and travel awards available to outstanding undergraduate students of classical languages, literature, or civilization. The awards are offered by the Department of Classics. The Arthur Adkins Summer Research Fellowship is targeted to third-year undergraduates with an interest in the ancient world who are bound for graduate school. The John G. Hawthorne Travel Prize is awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate student of classical languages, literature, or civilization for travel to Greece or Italy or for study of classical materials in other countries. The Nancy P. Helmbold Travel Award is awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate student of Greek and/or Latin for travel to Greece or Italy. All three of these awards are worth up to $5,000. 

Nicholson Center Undergraduate Travel Grant: This grant is open to support undergraduate students from the Humanities and Social Sciences Divisions and the New Collegiate Division whose senior projects require research (whether in the form of archival, visual, or oral materials) in the British Isles (including Ireland) to complete. Applicants need not have the British Isles themselves as the subject of their research: the grant will support work on Africa, South Asia, East Asia, North America, the Middle East, or the West Indies that requires substantial research in the British Isles.