Extra-Curricular Activities

The world of philosophy at UChicago begins with analyses of Great Books in the Common Core and continues in philosophy classes, but it also reverberates throughout life on campus: our students ask and re-ask the basic questions, often late at night, or gathered around a dinner table, perhaps poised on the brink of a major life decision. These are the philosophical conversations we remember, sometimes years and decades later, as game-changing. The Department of Philosophy encourages this inquisitive mindset by fostering an especially lively philosophical culture at UChicago, featuring a wide range of extra-curricular philosophical events and activities run by both faculty and students.

Academic and Professional Events

The department also runs a number of events throughout the academic year to inform students about the basics of philosophy as a discipline: these include “how to” sessions on topics such as becoming a philosophy major, writing a BA paper, and applying to graduate programs in philosophy. And we bring departmental alumni back to campus to help you translate your undergraduate BA in philosophy into a variety of professional careers in law, business, and non-profit work, among others.

And, finally, the department always throws a party to celebrate the work of our departmental majors and minors when they graduate at the end of their senior year!

Student-Run Events

The department’s rich and vibrant philosophical culture also derives much of its energy and direction from our students—in previous years, several student organizations have held philosophically inclined events throughout the academic year. Click on the links below to learn about these organizations:

Philosophy Club

University of Chicago Undergraduate Philosophy Review

Night of Ideas


Summer Philosophy Activities

Cobb Hall image for Extra-Curricular Events page
Cobb Hall (on the right, home to many Philosophy classes)