The University of Chicago has many additional resources on campus for Philosophy graduate students. Here is a partial list of some of these resources. In addition, we have listed a few Chicago-area resources.
Departmental Resources
Department Graduate Student Representative(s) for 2024-25: Abhiraj Singh
Departmental Coffee Czar for 2024-25 (contact about Friday afternoon departmental "coffees"): PhD student TBD.
Coordinator for Phigs listserv for 2024-25 is PhD student TBD.
Women in Philosophy: the contact for updates on 2024-25 programs is Emily Shein
Minorities and Philosophy: the contact for updates on 2024-25 programs is PhD student TBD.
On Campus Resources
The Regenstein Library
Directory of Open Access Philosophy Journals
Electronic Journals Database for Classics
Regenstein Pastmasters Entry Page
The Division of the Humanities
The Division of the Humanities Homepage
Information for Current Students
Committees and Departments Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
The Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
The Committee on Social Thought
Department of Cinema & Media Studies
Department of Germanic Studies
Interdisciplinary Centers Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality
Center for Interdisplinary Research on German Literature and Culture
Center for Law, Philosophy, and Human Values
Joyce Z. and Jacob Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies
The Franke Institute for the Humanities
The Morris Fishbein Center for the Study of Science and Medicine
The Nicholson Center for British Studies
Philosophy of Religion at the University of Chicago
Divinity School Program in the Philosophy of Religions
On Campus Programs and Groups Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
Council on Advanced Studies Workshop System
Dewey Lectures in Law and Philosophy
Human Rights Speaker Series (Chicago)
Social Thought Speaker Series (Chicago)
University of Chicago Journals Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
University of Chicago Journals Homepage
Affiliated Bookstores in the Vicinity of Campus
University of Chicago Bookstore
Useful Community & University of Chicago Information Sites
University of Chicago (home page)
Graduate Student Resources Pages from UChicagoGRAD
Family and Child-Care Resources from UChicagoGRAD
University of Chicago Graduate Student Housing Information
University of Chicago Student Health and Counseling Services
Chicago-Area Resources
Chicago-Area Philosophy Colloquia and Groups Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
Chicago-Area Consortium in German Philosophy
Consortium in Ancient Philosophy
Midwest Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop
Northwestern Philosophy Events
University of Illinois at Chicago Philosophy Colloquia and Events